Account Based Marketing

Account Based Marketing, also known as a blend of a company’s sales and marketing functions, is a custom business to business (B2B) based marketing strategy that concentrates on the set of target accounts within a particular market. B2B service providers Account Based Marketing is becoming an increasingly important focus these days.

Account Based Marketing also takes a more holistic approach of marketing, which is beyond just lead generation.

Lead Mag is a renowned B2B Marketing Services Company, specializing in lead generation services and account based marketing solutions. Our account based marketing solutions are aimed to boost conversion rates and ROI. Our solutions are aimed to market to existing customer accounts to encourage upselling and cross-selling to get the most value from your largest accounts.

Types of Account Based Marketing We Offer

Lead Mag’s offerings include the most effective solutions in the industry. We are experts at offering the best account based marketing solutions, but we’ll take it one step further.

Strategic ABM (One-to-One)

Strategic Account Based Marketing is a traditional route of account-based marketing, based on a goal to create highly customized marketing campaigns with a strong focus on individual target accounts. With custom Strategic ABM solutions, investment of businesses per account and the lead is generally larger than other styles of ABM, but our custom solutions ensure that you get the best of your investments in Strategic ABM.

ABM Lite (One-to-Few)

Our experts in Account Based Management Lite not just help you identify target accounts, but also help group them together with similar accounts for better, higher returns. Our success in offering ABM Lite services is due to our specialization in working collaboratively with the sales team to determine best accounts identifying tailored solutions and dealing with the pain points of target audiences.

Programmatic ABM (One-to-Many)

Programmatic Account Based Management is the newest marketing strategy, born with the advent of new technologies and capabilities available to digital marketers. Our marketing team works in close relationship with sales to identify a multitude of accounts to find the best, unique ways to market at scale.

We Are The Next-Gen Account Based Marketing Agency!

At Lead Mag, we put marketing first in everything we do. This is why we are the most trusted, recommended and renowned name in the industry with a special focus on Account Based Marketing. For years now, Lead Mag has been a pioneering force empowering global businesses to drive serious sales-oriented results. 

With Lead Mag as your new ABM strategy partner, you can:


•    Evaluate current clients effectively to grow more sales opportunities in target region

•    Launch concise rubdown campaign of target accounts for sales and marketing

•    Engage with leads better and effectively than any other traditional way

•    Get high-quality leads that are sure to convert

•    Save your money spent on insignificant leads

•    Customized ABM strategies to engage, convert, & measure progress

Why Lead Mag?

At Lead Mag, we are experts are customizing the traditional marketing methods to ensure better, long-term results. The experience you get with Lead Mag is going to be a lot more different from any other Account Based Marketing company. We don’t believe in high claims but deliver results that you can rely upon.

•    We are 100% focused on B2B marketing solutions with specialization in Account Based Marketing.

•    We spend enough time on understanding your business type, target region and ideal buyers by talking to sales and researching competitors.

•    Each company is different, so are their sales goals. Hence, it is important for us that we closely understand your expectations from the marketing campaign.

•    We are equipped with the best tools like marketing automation platforms that we use to identify specific buyers and engage them to effectively lead them through the sales cycle.

•    We gather necessary information about your target audience to customize content with the help of best tools for real-time personalization.

•    Prediction scoring tools make a huge difference in the success of ABM campaigns. We use the best of them to send the most relevant materials at the right time to your potential buyers.

•    We also use tested and recommended A/B Testing methods during the campaign to ensure that the strategies are working fine and according to your expectations.

Let us take care of your business marketing and growth related needs and let your sales team get back to focusing on the hotter opportunities. Our marketing strategies are created for results by the fully-trained, dedicated team, specializing in delivering you only sales qualified leads.


Ready to lead the business world with a unique, custom marketing solution? Let’s Talk To Our Experts Now!